Get Professional Teeth Whitening at Our Clinic in The Gap, Brisbane
TOOTH WHITENING (otherwise known as bleaching) is a process of lightening the colour of teeth that have not responded well to professional cleaning.
The general process involves the application of a bleaching agent onto the tooth surface. most bleaching agents are comprised of a hydrogen peroxide formula. depending on the system chosen by your dentist, the strengths of the bleaching agents can vary.

Brighten your smile with our exclusive teeth whitening offer!
Are you looking for a bright, beautiful smile but worried about the cost? At Complete Smile Dental, we understand that dental care can be expensive, which is why we are excited to offer our patients a special promotion for teeth whitening.
When you come in for a check-up and cleaning appointment, you can take advantage of our professional teeth whitening take-home kit for only $250. Plus, if you have advanced or comprehensive insurance coverage, you may receive a teeth whitening rebate of $100 to $300. This is an excellent opportunity to get the bright, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted without spending a fortune.
Contact us today to schedule your check-up and cleaning and take advantage of this fantastic promotion!
Take-home teeth whitening kit
Take-home kits are a set of custom-made trays and tubes of bleaching agent. At home, the patient then needs to apply the bleaching agent into the trays and wear them for a specified amount of time. At CSD, we use a system called Poladay which has proven to be very effective for our patients. The process generally calls for a half-hour application of the tray for 7-10 days. One major drawback of this method is that patients need to be responsible for wearing the trays consistently throughout the treatment period.

General advantages of teeth whitening
- Bleaching is ideal for undamaged teeth that need lightening in colour (as opposed to teeth treated with crowns, veneers or facings).
- Custom-made trays can be used again at a later stage.
- Upper and lower teeth can be treated at the same time in one procedure.
Call your CSD dentist for consultation
In general, it is important to see a dentist, before commencing any form of teeth whitening. There may be specific considerations that need to be taken – in regards to your teeth. If you have ever wanted to whiten your teeth or even thought about it, give us a call to book a consultation.
To brighten your smile, click here to book a consultation today.
Approved tooth whitening products are safe to use.
Some disadvantages of teeth whitening
- Not all teeth respond well to bleaching. For example, yellow, brown and orange stained teeth usually respond well to bleaching. However, grey stains may lighten a little, but results may not be as good.
- Not every tooth bleaches evenly.
- White composite restorations do not get affected by the bleaching process, and may need to be replaced after the process, in order to achieve a consistent aesthetic result.
- If the bleaching agent is in prolonged contact with the gums, it can lead to irritation and burning.
- Bleaching should be performed in a controlled setting. Some “over the counter” whitening systems can be very strong, and can damage teeth over a long term period. We do not recommend such treatments.
- Bleaching may not be suitable for people with pre-existing sensitivity; cracked or worn teeth, receding gums or periodontal disease.